Scales and I aren't really friends. My weight changes a lot on a daily basis, so the only real way for me to get a good handle on my weight would be to weigh myself every day -- and I just don't really like the idea of that. But sometimes I'll go through a couple of days where I will weigh myself, just to see how it looks. The last couple of days were an example of that.
I think my body handles water kind of poorly. I have a bad habit of not drinking anything except at meal time, and even then not very much. So my body is probably chronic(al?)ly dehydrated. And as of yesterday I'm into the dizzy-spells portion of the summer (yaaaaay), wherein standing up = loss of vision and dizziness for 5 seconds or so. So clearly, some switch is in the wrong position somewhere in there ::points at herself::. And we all know that water and bloat have a sometimes-large effect on the numbers on the scale. Imagine my entertainment at the following scale read-outs:
Tuesday: 153.6
Wednesday: 154.4
Thursday: 150.4
I was laughing so hard this morning. Even if it were physically possible for someone to lose 4lb in one day without hacking off a portion of their body, I can tell you for certain that yesterday would be the least likely day for it to happen. As evidence, I present my eating for the day of Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 AD:
Breakfast: packet of oatmeal and a small glass of OJ (okay, sounds like a good start)
Snack: 11 o'clock chocolate -- piece of heart-healthy dark chocolate (uh, not the best way to lose 4lb, but.. okay...)
Lunch: 1/2-palm-sized pork loin slice with a big helping (1.5 cups?) mixed veggies (not too shabby....)
Dinner: Olive garden! 2 deliciously-greasy pieces of garlic bread, 3/4 a glass of wine, grilled steak and chicken skewers with bell peppers, roasted potatoes, and mixed squash... and a cappuccino.
Really not horrible overall.. and you'd be amazed at how hard it is to avoid getting a cheese-smothered meal at OG. I had to really try for that one. Yeno, cause I had to run in the morning, and that would be a recipe for disaster. Not that I actually ran, mind you... *sigh*
But I WILL run this evening, and I'm doing intervals with Kate in the morning, I believe.. and bosu workout tomorrow after I get my car serviced... Yeah...
I totally lost 4 lbs!!!
I'm so kidding. I'm sure it'll all be back tomorrow. But that was pretty funny.
OMG Olive Garden sounds FANTASTIC