Saturday began a week of house/pet-sitting for a friend. She has 5 cats and 2 dogs, and I have my hands full! I haven't slept much, but I'm hoping that will get better tonight.
Food from this weekend:
SAT: (NOT a good food day)
B: oatmeal & OJ
"L": a shortbread cookie
D: 2 slices Al's pizza, of the pepperoni variety
SUN: (marginally better..)
B: 2 packets oatmeal
L: peanut butter & banana sandwich
D: 1/2 a steak, grilled asparagus, and terriyaki rice
Workout-wise, well, I touched on my Saturday run... I made it 2.5mi at goal pace and had to stop, and I was completely and totally done. I walked 3/4mi and then did a little bit of speedwork, just because I wanted to be home sooner. Sunday is my rest day, though it didn't feel very restful. Tonight I'll attempt to do yoga again, though I'm not sure how that will go with 7 animals! My legs and knees are feeling a little tired/sore for some reason, so I don't think I'll do intervals tomorrow. I have access to a gym, so maybe I'll do 3.5 on the treadmill and see how I feel.. I'm not a treadmill fan, but I'm an AC fan. I desperately need a good run, but I have a feeling it's unlikely that I'll get one this week in light of the lack of sleep and less-than-stellar eating. Oh well. One day at a time.
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