One more 5am run under the belt + shower + oatmeal + OJ. Not a bad start to the morning.
Okay so where did I leave off in my ramblings? Oh, half marathon training.
I am already signed up to do the Disney Half Marathon in early January, and barring any unforseen circumstances, I'll also be doing the Outback Half here in town on Thanksgiving Day. I am hereby putting my goals in writing... I want to do the Disney Half Marathon without walk breaks (aside from water) and at a pace of 11min/mi, which would put me across the finish line in 2 hours, 24 minutes and 1/10th of a second. I just read in Runners World that a woman who was 5 months pregnant ran a half in 2hours 2 minutes. She can bite me. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
I guess I am technically almost 1/3 of the way through my training, since I ran 4mi on Sunday. It's not really 1/3 of the way when you consider that it started at 3 miles, though. :) I've finished three weeks out of.. 22? Something in that ballpark. So far I can tell that I need to do more cross-training and get more sleep. I can't imagine where in my day I could find the time for these things, though.
And speaking of time, yet again... It's time to make myself quasi-presentable and head to work. I can't even tell you how much I'd rather just crawl back into bed.
We're going to rock the Outback half!