Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rockin the Casbah

Pretty proud of myself, and not ashamed to say it.

Yesterday would have been a very easy day to skip. I was tired, it was my birthday, I had dinner plans, and I knew that today was a rest day, so I could always make it up.... But instead I hydrated well during the day, got home, changed with a quickness, went out for 3 miles, showered/dressed with alarming speed, and made my dinner plans.

It may not have been a marathon, and it certainly wasn't my best run to date, but the fact is, it was utterly inconvenient and definitely undesirable, but I did it anyway. Yay!

I'm debating about doing bridges on Thursday. I don't want to go downtown, but I can also do the wonderwood bridges.. but it's hard to less than 4 miles if you want to get all the bridges in.. and I don't know that I want to do 4 miles.... we shall see.


  1. Want to run 5 miles with me on Sunday 1/25?

  2. Oooh fun! Tentatively yes! I need to make sure I didn't make plans for that weekend.. but I don't think so!
